If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. Mark 3:25
This task was about establishing healthy rules of engagement. I was supposed to discuss with Juniper about fighting fairly.
Okay. I'll be honest with you. I didn't do this task. This is another one of those tasks that works better with a spouse. Juniper knows name calling and/or aggressiveness is not allowed. Yes, she occasionally yells, "You're the worst mother!" or "I don't like you!". Most days I handle this well. Though recently, when she told me I wasn't a good mother, I (without much detail) told her she had no idea what a bad mom was and she should be thankful for the one she has. I understand these words are out of anger and she doesn't mean them. I mean, hey, I have my moments, why can't she?
I, of course, try always to fight fair. I don't insult her or belittle her. I try not to yell. If I find I'm about to get out of control, I take a time out. I just pray we continue behaving this way as she gets older.
On an *AWESOME* note, yesterday I was up at 5am with some bad sinus pain. I moved out into the living room and ended up falling back asleep. I woke up at 8am to Juniper in the kitchen. I just figured, she was getting her breakfast like she usually does. Instead, she was getting me a bowl of cereal and brought it to me in the living room. This made me feel so special! I'm continually amazed at the transformation of our relationship.